Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements
This section contains all Statements of the Bahrain Freedom Movement
Scores arrested in Bahrain, UN experts concerned about Saudi detainee
Regime forces have detained many young native Bahrainis in the past week. A young man was arrested for holding views…
Bahraini political prisoners persecuted, Newcastle Utd’s Saudi link scrutinised
Last week, another Bahraini scholar has been thrown in jail without a proper reason. Sheikh Ali Al-Awainati was detained after…
UN: Release two Bahraini HR activists, 53 groups support US Saudi resolution
In response to an official complaint by the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD) about the continued imprisonment of…
Bahrain rejects key HRC’s recommendations, Saudi women strike in jail
On 24th March The Human Rights Council adopted the Universal Periodic Review outcome of Bahrain. The President said of the…
MPs call for Bahraini prisoners release, F1 criticised for holding Saudi race
Regime’s torture apparatus has arrested several people in the past week. Among them was Sayed Ahmed Sayed Ra’id Al Mousawi.…
Marking International Women’s Day; khalifi style, Another Saudi beheaded
On the eve of International Women’s Day the khalifi court of appeals didn’t bother waiting for the conclusion of trial…
F1 criticised for ignoring Bahrain HR, Ronaldo urged to raise Saudi HR
International calls have been made to the Formula 1 (F1) car racing management not to ignore the human rights in…
MPs urge PM on Bahrain’s HR, Saudi use of “sportswashing” condemned
At least 30 British MPs have signed a letter addressed to UK’s prime minister, Ritchie Sunak urging him to put…
Bahrain’s Revolution anniversary marked, Saudi executions increase
The 12th anniversary of the Bahrain Revolution was marked by the people in the past few days with vigour and…
Two Bahrainis win High Court case, Lawlor defends Saudi detained HRDs
Today, the High Court in London issued its verdict in a case brought by two native Bahrainis against the khalifi…
Harsh sentences for Bahrain activists, UK arms to Saudis face legal lawsuit
The regime’s courts in Bahrain have issued harsh prison sentences against ten native Bahrainis for opposing the hereditary dictatorship. Life…
Bahraini prisoners cry for help, Ronaldo must condemn Saudi HR abuses
The courts in Bahrain have issued prison sentences on several native Bahrainis including three children for up to 10 years.…