Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements

Kangaroo courts jail activists in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia

Four Bahraini citizens have been given one  year prison sentence for taking part in an anti-regime protests. On 10thJune the khalifi court issued the sentence against Jaffar Taqi Al Halwachi, 20 (from Manama), Muntadar Mohammed Mohsin, 21 and his brother Ali, 21 from Al Daih town and Ammar Saleh Hassan Al Mu’min, 23 from Sitra. This was seen as a revenge for their activism to mark the day in 2011 when the anti-khalifi revolution was launched.

Regime courts have also issued a blanket three months prison sentennce on many native Bahrainis who participated in pro-Palestine protests. Ten were sentenced on Monday 10th June: Ali Naji Abbas Marhoon, Ali Yasser Daif, Mohammed Jassim Al Qattan, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim, Mohammed Shawqi, Mohammed Abbas Abdul Rasool, Mohmmed Mirza Mohammed Abu Hassan, Jassim Mohammed Taher Al Jabal, Abdulla Abbas Abdul Rasool and Hassan Ahmed Al Kash. Native citizen, Munir Mushaima, the father of one of the martyrs, was detained and was due to appear in court today to hear the regime’s prison sentence against him for taking part in a peaceful protest.

Demonstrations and protests have continued in several parts of the country. ON 5th June the people of Markh town went out in a demonstration demanding the freedom of the political prisoners. On 10th June the people of Samaheej town held a protest outside the police station. Ali Aqeel, from Aali town, was arrested for taking part in the protest. He was among the group that was released from jail on 8th April. Protests were held in several other places such Karbabad, Duraz and Abu Saiba. In the town of Demstan scores of women held a protest on Friday 7th June demanding the release of their children from the regime’s jails.

Several young native Bahrainis have been arrested in recent days. Yesterday Qassim Abdul Zahra Al Mubashir, 17, from Sanad town. On 13th May, he was sentenced by a khalifi court to three months for taking part in a pro-Palestine protest. Ali Abdul Jalil Al Abbood was detained on 10th June while taking part in a local protest outside Sitra police station. The protesters were calling for the release of the political prisoners.

Elderly Bahraini citizen, Ali Ahmed Jassim Nassif, 71, has been given a one-year prison sentence despite his poor health. He took part in a pro-Palestine protest. On Monday 10th June an elderly Bahraini citizen was arrested for taking part in a protest. Hajji Ali Nasser Jum’a, from Sitra Mhazza was among a group of activists calling for the release of the Bahraini political prisoners. He was later released. Native Bahraini youth, Sadeq Hbail, 16, was snatched from Sfalah village in Sitra on Monday 10th June by masked officers in civilian clothes. He was returning to his home and was attacked by the group who took him away to the torture chambers.

The National Committee Against Normalisation (with Israel) held a protest in Salmabad district on the outskirts of Manama. Hundreds took part in support of the people of Gaza and against the Israel ferocious bombing.  It also issued a statement to condemn the Israeli attack on Al Nusairat Camp. The criminal act resulted in the death of 274 Palestinians in one of the most barbaric act by the occupiers of Palestine. The statement was signed by 27 Bahraini NGOs. On 8th June a pro-Palestine protest was held at Abu Saiba town. The protesters were riding bicycles and raising the Palestinian flag in defiance of  khalifi regime that bans Palestinian symbols.

The political prisoners at Jau prison issued a statement describing their steadfastness against the management which has been attempting to break their will with the implementation of inhumane means such as starvation as a weapon against the people. The statement said: Do not expect good to come out of this regime which is trying to silence the people through unfulfilled promises. They urged the people to persevere in their demands and not to give up hope of eventual political change.

The denial of medical care and the policy of isolation have forced the elderly political prisoner, Mohammed Hassan Al Raml to continue his hunger strike for the past two weeks. Despite his frailty and poor health he is adamant on achieving his full rights including medical care. He has also been denied the freedom to exercise his religious rights. This persecution has pushed him to the limit and insistence to pursue his struggle.

The Saudi Special Criminal Court (SSC) has sentenced two clerics, Khidr al-Awami and Abbas al-Saeed, to 25 and 27 years in prison for speeches they gave in support of human rights. Both men were arrested on 11 November 2020. They were subjected to ill-treatment and torture.

Freedom House has launched a petition calling on the Saudi authorities to release woman human rights activist Salma al-Shehab. She deserves her freedom, the petition says. It says that Salma was unjustly and shamefully sentenced to nearly three decades in prison for her support of women’s rights. Saudi Arabia’s Universal Periodic Review is due for adoption this month and the opportunity is available to seek the freedom of the prisoners.

Last month the Saudi authorities detained many young bloggers and activists including Rina Abdulaziz, Yasmine al-Ghufaili, and Abdulrahman al-Sheikhi, for expressing their opinions on twitter. Human rights bodies including ALQST have called for their release.

Bahrain Freedom Movement

12th June 2024

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