Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements

Saudis, Emiratis commit more war crimes, EP condemns Alkhalifa abuses

International calls have been made to stop the ongoing onslaught by the Saudi and Emirati Death machines that have unleashed unrestrained terror on the Yemeni city of Hodeida. The latest aggression that has continued over the past ten days escalated after the failure of the UN Special Envoy, Martin Griffiths to secure an agreement from the Yemenis to surrender the city to the aggressors. Their bombing of Hodeida airport has reduced it to rubble. It was one of the most outrageous war crimes in modern history. The airport has no military facilities and is not used by Houthis. The city itself has sustained massive destruction and civilians were forced to flee. The deafening silence by the international community has been heavily criticised by almost all international NGOs. The revenge raids by the Saudi and Emirati superior air forces have failed to dislodge the Yemenis defending their country against this foreign aggression. There is widespread belief that if they were allowed to defeat the Yemenis their next target would be the state of Qatar. Both Oman and Kuwait are observing with indignation the unfolding situation. Both have refused to support the criminal aggression by the two regimes.

In his opening speech (and the last of his tenure as the High Commissioner for Human Rights) at the 38th session of the Human Rights Council Zeid bin Ra’ad Al Hussain lambasted Bahrain’s regime for its dismal record on human rights. He said: Unconditional access to Bahrain continues to be refused to my Office and the Special Procedures, amid continued crackdowns on civil society and additional legislation which further restricts the people’s fundamental rights. I encourage the Kingdom to reverse these profoundly damaging trends and to facilitate effective engagement with the international human rights mechanisms. My Office stands ready to provide technical and legal expertise. He also mentioned Bahrain as one of the 40 States that have received no visit by a Special Rapporteur over the past five years, despite requests. It is also one of the 15 States that have more than five pending visits.

On 14th June, the European Parliament adopted, with an overwhelming majority, a strongly-worded resolution condemning Bahrain’s regime for human rights violations. The resolution took a broader view on the ongoing crackdown on human rights and democracy in Bahrain. It regrets that the regime had offered the minimum guarantees to ensure free and fair elections. It noted further restriction of space for debate and liberties, including through the closure of the only independent newspaper, al Wasat, and the dissolution of the opposition political societies al-Wefaq and Wa’ad. Most recently, on June 11, the authorities adopted an amendment banning most members of the political opposition from seeking election. The European parliamentarians also condemned the Bahraini practice of stripping citizenship as a tool of repression. They noted that this measure disproportionately affected the Shia Muslim majority of the country. The regime propaganda tools attacked the EP in the worst possible phrases.

In Paris, the honourary citizenship granted to Nabeel Rajab by the city’s municipality was yesterday handed to Sheikh Maitham Al Salman on behalf of the jailed human rights activist. A ceremony was held on Monday 18th June and was attended by officials and employees of the municipality. It was a great moment for native Bahrainis who have been vindicated in their struggle to achieve freedom, democracy and human rights. Several Bahraini strugglers were granted similar awards. Abdul Hadi AlKhawaja and his two daughters, Zainab and Maryam were granted prestigious awards by Freedom House. Poet Ayat AlQormozi who had been detained and abused in 2011 was awarded the Student Peace Prize by Norway in 2015.

The process of normalisation of relations with Israeli occupation forces by Alkhalifa regime continues with the invitation of an Israeli delegation to attend a meeting in Manama for UNESCO’s International Heritage Committee. This comes few weeks after the ruling tribe had sent a team to occupied Palestine to take part in a cycling competition. Israel is seen as one of the main providers of security assistance to the embattled dictatorship which is fighting a losing battle with the Bahraini native majority population. Today one official from regime’s circles said Alkhalifa would be the first to establish diplomatic relations with Israel.

The regime is committing a new crime against humanity by using medicine as a weapon against opponents. Mr Hassan Mushaima has been denied much needed medicines and medical care for his cancer treatment for four months. He has also been denied family visits as well as books, pens or paper. Other members of the leadership group like Dr Abdul Jalil Al Singace, Abdul Wahab Hussain and Sheikh Mohammad Habib Al Miqdad are also deprived of their medicines and medical care despite their ill health. Other prisoners are subjected to repeated sessions of torture for teaching other inmates.

Bahrain Freedom Movement

20th June 2018 (

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