Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements

Saudis must pay for their evil policies, as persecution of Bahrainis escalates

The call by US president for the Saudis to finance the reconstruction of Syria has shocked many who were stunned by the call. The Saudis have been financing and grooming the terrorists who were seeking the destruction of both Syria and Iraq. Yet the Saudis had no choice but to accept Mr Trump’s call especially in the shadow of Jamal Kashoggi’s murder which is widely believed to have been ordered by the country’s crown prince. It is almost certain that the Saudis and Emiratis will also be forced to finance the reconstruction of Yemen which they have destroyed by their criminal war. To add salt to the injury, the Saudis have been humiliated into accepting a ceasefire in the Yemeni port of Hodeida in accordance to the outcome of the Stockholm peace talks. The Yemenis, led by AnsarAllah Movement (the Houthis) have achieved moral and political victory to supplement their military victory over the aggressor Saudi, Emirati and Alkhalifa forces. These developments are likely to impact on the domestic politics of the House of Saud. The international community has now become more aware of their domestic and international crimes.

The theme of the Saudi-led aggression on Yemen was taken up yesterday by The New York Times. After describing some details of the American involvement in the war, the article quoted  Daniel L. Byman, a professor at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service who said that a more robust policy toward Saudi airstrikes would not just be good for Yemeni civilians — it would also help the Saudis. “This war has been a strategic disaster for the Saudis,” he said. The airstrikes have shown no sign of defeating the Houthis, and the Houthis’ foreign ally, Iran, has gained from Saudi Arabia’s clumsy prosecution of the war. “The United States needs to use its power to promote peace and stability in Yemen,” Mr. Byman said. “And it needs to protect its allies from themselves.”

Calls from all over the world have been made for Nabeel Rajab to be released immediately and unconditionally. The Alkhalifa dictator is urged to take Nabeel’s appeal on 31st December against the earlier decision to order his release. Decisions to jail or release native Bahrainis are usually made by the dictator’s office and are often taken in revenge against the native population which wants him to go. The daily chants of “Down with Hamad” have infuriated him and made him the real enemy of the Bahrainis.

At least nine native Bahrainis were arrested in the third week of December by Alkhalifa vicious forces. They are likely to face torture and lengthy jail sentences for opposing the regime’s dictatorship. Yesterday, Alkhalifa court confirmed the death sentence passed on native Bahraini, Moosa Abdulla Jaffar, from Karranah and the life sentences on 13 others. The rulings were based on confessions extracted under torture. Another youth, Sayed Redha Khalil was given a life sentence for a crime he had not committed. There are now 23 native Bahrainis condemned by Alkhalifa dictator to death on trumpeted charges. Alkhalifa court yesterday re-confirmed the 10 Alkhalifa court yesterday re-confirmed the 10 years prison sentence on Khalil Al Halwachi who has been behind bars since 2014. Yesterday his daughter, Fatima, delivered a baby who will not be seen by his grandfather. Fatima tweeted: I am grateful for my son who is my Christmas gift. I wish my father could hold my baby. We are happy despited the verdict and will continue to work till he is out… till Bahrain’s freedom has been secured.

The case of Hakeem Al Oraibi, the Bahraini athlete who is threatened with deportation by the Thai authorities has created more damage to Alkhalifa than good.Although the Interpol has rescinded its red alert on him in the first few days after his arrest at Bangkok airport, pressure is mounting to cleanse its operations and prevent authoritarian regimes from exploiting it against their legitimate opponents. Bahrain’s dictators have inundated Interpol with requests to arrest genuine political figures who are adamant to replace the tribal rule with democratically-elected political system. AFC (Asian Football Committee) President Sheikh Salman is a member of the Bahraini royal family. Despite numerous entreaties from the global football community for him to speak out on behalf of al-Araibi, he has remained silent. Former Socceroo and SBS football expert Craig Foster told The New Daily the Sheikh was failing in his responsibility to the game and its players. “His obligations are very clear. We would understand if he felt conflicted, but that’s his issue. It’s not football’s and it’s certainly not Hakeem’s” Foster said. “He has only one obligation as AFC president and that is to urge his own Bahrain government to withdraw their extradition order immediately. He needs to support publicly FIFA’s “If through his relationship with the Bahrain government and if because of his history with Hakeem – having been criticised by Hakeem for his alleged role in the Arab spring crackdown – if these things place him in a position of conflict he should step aside.”

On 18th December more than 20 native Bahrainis who had been sentenced to death by Alkhalifa regime were attacked by prison torturers, had their hands tied behind their backs and forced to stand for long hours. They were repeatedly told by the torturers that they would soon be executed and that they were living their last days. Their personal belongings were confiscated.

Bahrain Freedom Movement

26th December 2018 (,

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