Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements

Saudis murder 8 more citizens, Khalifis confirm more death sentences

On Saturday 11th May the Saudi regime’s forces murdered eight innocent citizens in the Eastern Province. The attackers surrounded the district of Sanabis in Tarut island off the Qatif coast. There were no warnings of the impending aggression. The victims were surrounded at a house which was ferociously bombarded by the security forces. None of the victims was on the “wanted” list circulated by the regime. This brings to over 40 victims from the Eastern Province murdered by the Saudis in the past month including 33 beheaded and crucified in April. The crime was seen as revenge from the people of that region who refuse to accept the Saudi hegemony and repressive policies.

On 10th May a Saudi vessel that was due to load weapons at a northern French port left without them and headed towards Spain, a day after a rights group tried to block the cargo on humanitarian grounds. The Christian Action for the Abolition of Torture (ACAT) sought to block the loading of weapons onto the ship through a legal filing a day earlier, arguing the cargo contravened an international arms treaty.

Human right woman activist, Mrs Naseema Al Sadah remains in solitary confinement for unknown reasons. She was moved there almost six months ago. Her Saudi jailers refuse to explain their action while the mother of three is denied her basic rights to defend the defenceless in the kingdom of fear. Yesterday, Amnesty International issued a statement titled “Saudi Arabia’s ‘year of shame’ Crackdown on critics and rights’ activists continues”. The statement says: “Today marks a year of shame for Saudi Arabia. A year ago, the authorities started locking up some of Saudi Arabia’s bravest women activists, instead of celebrating hand in hand steps that should have served to advance the rights of women in the country”. It further added: “This is also a shameful day for Saudi Arabia’s closest allies in the West, namely the USA, the UK and France. Instead of prioritising business deals and arms sales, they should be intransigent – and publicly so – in pressuring the Saudi Arabian authorities for the immediate and unconditional release of all individuals who are being punished for expressing their views peacefully

Bahraini political prisoners are raising their voices to call for international help as their dire situation worsens. The cells that were initially built for 6 inmates have now 13 who remain inside for at least 23 hours a day. This has led to outbreaks of infectious diseases. In recent days the Central Jau Prison has witnessed an outbreak of food poisoning. The largest of its buildings (Block 4) suffered the widest of the outbreak of food poisoning that led to diarrhea, severe vomiting  and acute stomach pains. The lack of medical care has led to many losing their lives. Few days ago Nooh Abdullah told his family that he would soon lose his eyesight as a result of neglect. Despite requesting treatment he has been left in agony especially with his acute arthritis in his joints diagnosed six months ago. The family of Ilyas Al Mulla has issued an appeal to provide their son with reasonable medical care. He suffers from Cancer and lives in agony most of his time.For the fifth time, woman political prisoners, Hadeer Ebadi has been remanded in custody for thirty more days. This brings her total custodial sentences to 150 days without charge or trial. This dirty revenge is symptomatic of the regime’s policy against native Bahrainis.

On 19th May an Urgent Action update was issued by Amnesty International on behalf of Ali Mohamed Hakeem al-Arab and Ahmed Issa Ahmed al-Malali whose convictions and death sentences were upheld on 6 May 2019 by the Khalifi Court of Cassation. The two men were convicted of offences which include “forming and joining a ‘terrorist’ group” following an unfair mass trial. Both men were tortured. The death sentences will now go to the dictator for ratification. In a December 2018 letter, a group of United Nations experts stated that they were “extremely concerned by allegations that confessions implicating several defendants were obtained under torture and used as evidence in court.” The defendants in the letter included Ali al-Arab and Ahmed al-Malali.

Two more native Bahrainis have had their death sentences confirmed by the Khalifi supreme court of cassation. Zuhair Ibrahim Jassim and Mohmmad Mahdi saw their hope of acquittal dashed despite their innocence. They had been sentenced to death on trumped up charges, and the death sentence was ordered by the royal court which considers itself at existential war with the natives of Bahrain. Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), and the European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR) have expressed deep concerns over the court’s decision, which places the men at imminent risk of execution.

Bahrain Freedom Movement

15th May 2019 (,



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