Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements

Bahraini martyr at khalifi dungeons, Saudis continue purging activists

Today, political prisoner Hussain Ahmed Isa Barakat has been martyred after he had been infected with Covid-19. He is a native Bahraini political prisoner, sentenced to life by the khalifis. He was infected with Covid-19 among many others. Fears for his live were aired by his family and close friends. Two days ago, he suffered sudden downturn and was taken to Salmaniya hospital where he slipped into coma. He should have been released several months ago when the pandemic started to spread in the torture dungeons, but the khalifis apparently wanted more Bahrainis to die in their jails “to teach them hard lessons”. When the news of Hussain’s martyrdom reached the inmates, they started shouting and banging on the doors of their cells. Fears are now growing for the safety of thousands of native Bahraini prisoners as the khalifis become enraged by their protest.

Several other families have also raised their voices calling for the release of their children to save them from Covid-19 which is fast spreading in khalifi jails. The family of political prisoner, Ali Habib Yaqoob is calling for his immediate release as his underlying health issues could prove fatal if he is infected with Covid-19. He suffers sickle cell disease and is in constant pain. Former political woman prisoner, Najah Yousuf continues to suffer regime’s retribution for revealing the horrific torture she had endured during her three-year incarceration. Now her jailed son, Kumail has been denied the right to contact her from his torture cell. He was taken hostage after she revealed her horrific experience to the world. The family of Mohsin Al Majed confirmed that her jailed son is denied medical treatment for his numerous health problems. They are calling for his release before he loses his life. In an audio appeal the wife of Fadel Abbas has called for his release.  From his cell, Hussain Al Sahlawi has confirmed that he had not been treated for several ailments that could transform into cancer. In another audio recording, the mother of Mohammad Abdulla Hassan Al Aali has described his condition as “desperate” with serious Covid-19 symptoms.

In a statement by Reprieve this week, people are urged to sign a petition to petition asking the UK government to challenge the death penalty in Bahrain.  It said: Priti Patel has met the government of Bahrain – and she is side-stepping any conversation on human rights, and the use of torture in Bahrain’s justice system. It further added: It’s outrageous to keep quiet whilst Bahrain tortures and tries to execute its victims – like Mohammed Ramadhan and Husain Moosa. Some MPs are already challenging the government.

International voices have been raised calling for the release of Dr Abdul Jalil Al Singace whose health is rapidly deteriorating. After more than ten years behind bars, the prominent academic and human rights and political activist his body is starting to buckle under the prison horrific conditions. Al-Singace suffers from vertigo. Since suffering from polio as a child, he has been in permanent need for crutches to walk. In a particularly cruel and inhumane act, the authorities in the prison have refused to replace the safety rubber tips (ferrules) on the ends of the crutches. Last week human rights activist, Brian Dooley posted a package to Jau prison containing several ferrules after khalifis refused to replace the worn-out pieces in his two crutches. These are crucial to his mobility.

As the persecution of the martyrs’ fathers continues, khalifi courts have fined three of them for calling for investigating the murder of their children and prosecuting those involved. Ali Mohanna, Sayed Saeed Sayed Ali Sayed Hussain and the brothers of Mohammed Al Daqqaq (Younus, Yasser and Anwar) were fined more than $2500 each. The brother of martyr Sami Mushaima has been summoned and could be fined or jailed.

Mustafa Hashem al-Darwish could face imminent execution in Saudi Arabia. He was sentenced to death after a deeply flawed trial based on a so-called ‘confession’ obtained through torture. He was sentenced to death for crimes he committed when he was 17 – just a child.  He was brutally beaten and tortured until he was forced to ‘confess’. That ‘confession’ resulted in his death sentence. On Thursday 3rd June, his family heard that the Saudi Arabian Supreme Court upheld this sentence. This was his final appeal and he now faces imminent execution. Reprieve has urged people to call for sparing the life of Mustafa.  It added that UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab MP could raise Mustafa’s case with the Saudi Arabian government and urge them to halt the execution. If enough of us call on him, he can ask for Mustafa’s life to be spared.

The Saudi authorities have launched a wave of arrests and enforced disappearances against a number of bloggers, including recently of medical doctor Loujain Daghestani and Abdullah Gilan. ALQST calls on the authorities to reveal their whereabouts and release them.

Bahrain Freedom Movement

9th June 2021 (,

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