Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements

Nasser bin Hamad Alkhalifa is a sadistic torturer, Ban him from Olympic games

As preparations for London Olympics get underway questions are being asked about the possible attendance of certain criminals whose presence will undoubtedly stain the reputation of the sports and undermine the values of dignity, justice and human rights.

 When Bahrain’s dictator was invited to the Jubilee lunch and Windsor Castle last month many voices were raised against his presence by concerned politicians, journalists and human rights activists.

It will be extremely offensive to the basic values of human rights and values to allow a sadistic torturer to join the athletic world while his victims languish behind bars in the Alkhalifa torture dungeons. Being the son of the Bahrain’s dictator, Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa is the head of Bahrain’s Olympic Committee and is expected to lead the Bahrain’s Olympic team to London in July. Victims of his torture have urged that he be arrested upon his arrival, tried and given appropriate sentence. He is accused of several counts of sadistic crimes including the following:

1-         He appeared on TV and threatened to use violence against anyone calling for political change in the country. In a broadcast on Bahrain TV he said: “Anyone who calls for the fall of  the regime will have the roof of his house fall on him”.

2-      On his twitter account, he said: If it was to me I would have sentenced them to life in jail (referring to athletes who had participated in anti-regime demonstrations)

3-      Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa was instrumental in public trial of many athletes by Bahraini official TV. During the martial law period, broadcasters would call individual athletes and question them about their role in the demonstrations. Soon afterward, Death Squads would abduct these athletes, take them to torture chambers and subject them to horrific treatment.

4-      Most Shia athletes were dismissed from their teams including footballers. Some of these are now playing in other countries like New Zealand and Australia.

 5-      He was reported to have took charge of some check points where he would stop cars, snatch its occupants, torture them and may either arrest or release them.

6-      Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa was captured on video tape participating in quelling demonstrations by force. He was seen leading Death Squads and riot police in Sitra as they crushed peaceful demonstrators.

7-      He personally administered physical torture on senior political figures. Several testimonies have been obtained which accused him personally of torturing victims, intimidating them and lashing verbal abuse in addition to physical torture.

Nasser bin Hamad is a sadistic torturer who must not be allowed to set foot at the Olympic village in London. Instead, we urge human rights bodies and activists to take legal action to have him arrested for crimes against humanity if he sets foot on British soil.

Cries of victims appeal to your human conscience to act against this beast.

Bahrain Freedom Movement
16th June 2012

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