Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements

Bahrain: Martyr buried, F1 misguided decision and state anarchism

The body of Martyr Ahmad Ismael, 22, who was buried today bore the clear marks of gun shots which proved, beyond doubt, that he had been assassinated. Being in a position of power, John Timoney and John Yates are among the suspects behind this criminal act.

The body has been lying in the regime’s mortuary for more than two weeks as the family of the martyr refused to accept a false death certificate. They insisted that it should confirm the cause of death as live bullets, in line with the post-mortem doctor’s report.

The Alkhalifa clique was eventually defeated by the steadfastness of the family and agreed to issue the required document. Thousands of mourners participated in the funeral with slogans such as “People want regime change” and “Down with Hamad”.

Calls have been made to the UN human rights officials to take action against officials who are implicated in the murder of this Bahraini young man.

Meanwhile, Abdul Hadi Al Khawaja, remains on his death bed as his condition continued to deteriorate. His lawyer, Mohammad Al Jishi, repeated concerns for his Khawaja’s life as communications with him stopped four days ago.

He expressed fear that he might have passed away. Earlier in the weak, Danish Prime Minister, describe Khwaja’s condition as “very critical”. Almost every decent politician and human rights body has called for the immediate release of Khawaja, except the American officials.

The White House and State Department called for a “humanitarian” solution, not release. That is preposterous to be so mean and in not calling for the release of a political prisoner who his wrongly detained, tortured and left to die.

Amnesty International said it considered Khawaja and 13 other prominent Opposition activists held with him to be prisoners of conscience, held solely for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression and assembly, and who have not advocated violence.

“These 14 men should all be immediately and unconditionally released – but instead the Court of Cassation has adjourned their appeal and denied them bail,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty Deputy Program Director for Middle East and North Africa.

“In the case of Khawaja, this delay will have potentially disastrous consequences for his health, which continues to deteriorate as a result of his hunger-strike,” Sahraoui said, adding that Amnesty holds the Bahraini authorities responsible for his condition.

Human Rights Watch has this to say: “The silence of the EU and the US on the matter is absolutely inexcusable.  It is one thing to have a double standard with regard to human rights, it is quite another to not even to raise one’s voice when a courageous human rights defender, and an EU citizen, is dying in a prison where he is unjustly held.

In London, two Bahraini activist are on hunger strike in solidarity with Abdul Hadi Al Khawaja and Hassan Mushaima who suffers from cancer but denied treatment while in jail.

Ali Mushaima and Moosa Abd Ali started their action on Friday 5th April and have camped themselves outside the American Embassy since Tuesday 9th April. Yesterday Mr Abd Ali collapsed and was taken to St Mary’s Hospital where he was treated. He joined his colleague at the scene and are still continuing their strike in protest at the American unequivocal support to Alkhalifa state terrorism.

On another level, the decision by the Formula1 management today to go ahead with holding the race in Bahrain has been outrageous. Their decision is in contrast to the view of international human rights bodies which have called for boycotting “Bloody Bahrain” as the situation remains volatile.

The Alkhalifa clique, aided by their spinners like Yates and others, have adopted a programme of deception to mislead the world about the reality on the ground. In a country which witnesses at least twenty demonstrations everyday, it is wrong to suggest that it is stable or peaceful.

The next week will see a sharp increase in the political strife in Bahrain and the management of F1 will be dealt with a serious blow in its public relations image as it has failed to steer the race away from serious political and ethical controversy.

One of the most shocking videos containing live images of state-sponsored vandalism, looting and lawlessness has shaken the human conscience to the core.

The crime took place on 10th April. The place is Alba Roundabout. The intended target: Jawad Stores. A CCTV recording tells a story of a different kind, unheard before. The armed militia members stormed the store, armed with sticks, metal bars, some of them in balaclavas while others bare-chested.

They set upon the store adopting the most vicious of anarchic behaviour, breaking its contents and looting cigarettes and other valuable contents. This happens under the eyes of the police who appear directing the operation. Here are the links to the most outrageous act of state-vandalism.

Bahrain Freedom Movement
13th April 2012

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