Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements

Two new martyrs as Formula 1 advised to boycott Bahrain

Two Bahrainis were martyred today and yesterday as a result of the barbarity of the Al Khalifa. This morning the martyrdom of Salman Abu Idris, 63, was confirmed, two and a half months after he had been shot in the head with a live bullet. He has remained in critical condition ever since as the Al Khalifa and Saudi occupiers continued to unleash their terror on Bahrainis.

Yesterday a young Bahraini woman was martyred when she was hit with excessive amounts of tear gas. Zainab Al Tajir (Hajja Umm Saeed) was exposed to this lethal chemical weapon in Sanabis as the town was attacked by the Saudi-Al Khalifa forces in a futile attempt to stop the protest of Bahrainis against the occupation, repression and dictatorship. Today, her body was buried in a massive funeral attended by hundreds of people, outraged by the continuing suppression of public protest.

These two martyrs have been added to more than 30 others who had been killed by the joint Saudi-Al Khalifa forces. The people have only become more blunt in their defiance of this unholy alliance and are more determined to rid the country of this evil. Fear has now disappeared from the hearts and minds of the Bahrainis.

The 14th February Youth had called for a massive return to the protests on 1st June when the martial law was due to be lifted. Despite the Al Khalifa violence against Bahrainis, the people’s determination and zeal have never diminished. They responded positively to the call and demonstrations were held in many towns and villages. Manama has remained under siege to prevent the takeover of the Pearl Square which had been the birthplace of the largest ever revolution in Bahrain’s history.

This morning the funeral procession of the woman martyr was attacked by the regime’s Death Squads and scores of people were injured, some severely. The injured were taken to makeshift clinics organized by the people as the main Salmaniya hospital remains under the Saudi-Al Khalifa occupiers. The funeral procession was both massive and impressive with people chanting anti-regime slogans and calling for an end to the Al Khalifa rule.

Following the attack on the funeral procession the people of Sitra went on a spontaneous demonstration in support of people of Sanabis who were attacked by the Thugs of the regime. Several demonstrations were held in the past two days in: Dair, Bani Jamra, Karzakkan, Sitra, Musalla and other places. More injuries were reported.

Meanwhile a secret battle is being waged between the people and the oppressive Al Khalifa family. The Al Khalifa have bribed several officials of Formula1 race to encourage them to bring back the game to Bahrain. Despite initial approval by Bernie Ecclestone, Fifa’s chief, the final decision would be taken tomorrow.

Several former and present champions have called for a boycott of Bahrain, arguing that it would be unethical to race in a country whose human rights activists are jailed and demonstrators killed. Several world renowned newspapers have championed the cause of boycotting the regime. Today, The Times, The Indpendent, The Guardian , The Times, The Daily Telegraph and the Los Angeles Times have all reported on the ongoing battles between those calling for a boycott and those promoting a return to Bahrain.

Damon Hill, a former driving champion has urged Bernie Ecclestone not to reschedule Bahrain Grand Prix. He has been joined by several notable voices against Ecclestone’s decision to hold the race in Bahrain. An online petition has also been launched in order to put pressure on Ecclestion’s. More than 400,000 have signed it so far , and it will handed to the organizers of and participants in the event. It was one of the rare international stands in support of the people o. More than one quarter of the employees at the Bahrain Formula 1 track have been arrested and are enduring horrific torture for taking part in anti-regime peaceful protests.

Bahrain Freedom Movement
3rd June 2011

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