Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements

Bahrain: The regime’s war against the lawyers amid widening crisis

The drama at the Al Khalifa court set up to try 25 Bahrainis has continued to unfold. In today’s session, more lawyers from the third groups of lawyers appointed by the ruling family to “defend” the Bahrainis, decided that they could not present a viable defence if they defendants refused to accept them.

This followed a turbulent start of the proceedings when Dr Abdul Jalil Al Singace, followed by Sheikh Mohammad Habib Al Miqdad, stood up, confirmed that torture had continued until this morning and announced their refusal of the new team of lawyers. They insisted that they be represented by the original team who were dismissed by the ruling family because they had two demands: investigating the torture of the defendants and re-investigating them under the court jurisdiction in their presence. The Al Khailfa-appointed judge, Ibrahim Al Zayed, who had always sought to shelter the torturers, ignored them and proceded to order those remaining from the Al-Khalifa-appointed defence team to start their defence in a session scheduled for 20th January. He has chosen to ignore the rights of the defendants and has thus denied them a fair trial.

The outcome of the trial is a foregone conclusion; They will be found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment terms of up to 20 years. Few of them will be acquitted to give the false impression of fairness. Nevertheless, the Bahrainis have succeeded in turning the show trial into one of the most instances of miscarriage of justice as they exposed their mutilated bodies to the court and pleaded for investigation free of torture.

In another attack on justice, the minister of justice, Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa, ordered that the 19 patriotic lawyers who had acted within the morals of their profession, be punished severely by for refusing to act upon his orders. They have challenged him and questioned the legality of this referral and said they are determined to defend their position. The ruling family’s approach to modern governance could not grasp the idea of real separation of powers. In the past decade the ruler has imposed member of his family on all ministries and departments to ensure total compliance with his orders and wishes. It is hoped that the legal battle would expose this antiquated regime further.

Early this morning, the young people of Karzakkan expressed their support for the group that is being tried by burning tyres in the street. Despite the massive security crackdown against Bahrainis, the ruling family has failed to stem the rising anti-regime activities. While the lawyers have now become engaged in their own war with the Al Khalifa judiciary, the people have become more involved with the day-to-day anti-regime movement. In the past week several areas participated in what has now become a unique way of expressing anger against the ruling family. On 5th January, the people of Hamala took part in burning tyres on the main road. The following day, tyres were burnt near the Abdul Karim Roundabout (near Jidhafs). Other villages followed suit, including Sitra, Karbabad and Nuwaidrat. More slogans are now painted on the walls in various parts of the country. The anti-regime activities are set to increase especially as repression against the youth continued.

The injustices administered against Bahrainis have continued. Yesterday, six Bahrainis described in vivid details how they had been tortured by officials of the National Security Agency (NSA) and forced to sign false confessions about their alleged roles in various incidents including illegal congregation of more than five people to burning tyres in the road and using Molotov cocktail. In view of their horrific torture, they were bailed to appear again in one month’s time.  On 9th January, two more Bahrainis were sentenced to harsh terms. Mahmood Hussain Mohammad, 21 and Jaffar Hassan Isa, 32, both from Ma’amir were sentenced to ten years in jail for allegedly starting a fire in a scrap yard at Al Sakhir, in the south of the country. Both denied the charges but were forced, under torture, to sign false statements.

Meanwhile the Death Squads continued their attacks on towns and villages. A young man from Karzakkan was hit on 8th January with a shotgun that left him with serious injury. His father spoke to local media about the incident and gave details of how the young man had been beaten up by members of the Death Squads before being allowed to drive his car. As soon as he moved, he was shot with the shotgun that left him with at least 15 shrapnels in various parts of his body especially the head.

The American Ambassador, Adam Erlie, has left his post in Manama leaving behind bad memories among the people of Bahrain. He openly expressed support to the regime and failed to condemn its atrocities against the Bahrainis. His moral support of the regime has placed the US in line with the enemy, a development that is much regretted by the people.

Bahrain Freedom Movement
13th January 2011

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