Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements

Bahrain: Widespread anger against Death Squads as Al Khalifa succumb to Iran

As the number of the kidnapped and the disappeared increases, appeals have been made by victims of Death Squads to the international community to intervene and stop this blatant aggression. Today, Sayyed Kadhem Al Sammak was kidnapped by members of those Death Squads to an unknown destination where he is expected to be treated with savagery meted on tens of other Bahrainis by those vicious criminals.

Bahrain’s dictator, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, has let them loose to prey on innocent victims, and many Bahrainis have been injured or maimed. There now 15 confirmed cases of kidnapping; four in the town of Arad, one from Dair, two from Duraz, three from Bani Jamra, one from Demestan and three from Saar. Their descriptions of their ordeals have painted a unified picture of what happened in the one or two days in each case. The person would be surrounded by plain clothed persons, handcuffed and transferred unknown to them. There they would by tortured, abused and stripped off their clothes. They would then be threatened against taking part in any protest. They would then be dumped in remote areas. The police have refused to receive complaints from victims or transfer them to the prosecution office. The victims have kept medical reports to prove their claims. Two more youth were kidnapped yesterday from Jidhafs, beaten up until they reached the brink of death before being dumped near the graveyard of the town.

Death Squads inaugurated their dirty war against Bahrainis in 1998 when they kidnapped Nooh Khalil Al Nooh, tortured him to death and dumped his mutilated body at the doorsteps of his house.

Meanwhile, houses of several Bahrainis were raided in the past 24 hours. Sayyed Aqil Al Saari, a young cleric from the town of Saar was seized, beaten on all parts of his body and taken away to an unknown destination. This tactic is being used on daily basis. The houses of the detainees have been raided in ways intended to create fear in the hearts of children and women. It is a collective punishment meted by the Al Khalifa occupiers.

The family of Sheikh Mohammad Habib Al Miqdad, who had been detained ten days ago, have issued a statement complaining of the vicious attack on their home recently. During the raid, several items were seized including computers and cameras. They urged people to be united to repel this unprovoked aggression.

The aim of terrorising the Bahrainis is to deter them from protesting against the occupation of their land by the Al Khalifa and the new settlers.

Five more people are being sought for arrest and torture by the Death Squads. Ali Al Manami, who has been defending the Al Ma’amir detainees and the brother of one of the hostages; Kumail, has been pursued for arrest. Hssan Al Sahlawi, Jaffar Kadhem (Abu Hud) from Demestan, Sami Naji from Hamala and Abdul Amir Dawood from Bani Jamra are in hiding to avoid falling into the hands of those Al Khalifa vicious criminals.

In a disturbing development, Mohammad Abbas from Sitra, has been taken as a hostage to force his brother, to hand himself to the torturers. Three others from Ma’amir and one from Sitra are also being sought. Their homes have been raided in the past few days.

These developments have led to more angry responses from the youth. The Bahraini youth have taken to the streets in several places, burning tyres and blockading the streets to stop the Death Squads and security men carrying their cruel attacks on towns and villages of Bahraini natives. Fires were seen near the Bahrain Exhibition Centre and near the Elite Suites Hotel. Smoke columns were seen from far distances.

In a serious setback to the plot hatched by the regime, the Al Khalifa have been forced to “drink the poison” and announce that the Bahraini hostages are not linked to Iran in anyway. This admission has defeated the purpose of the whole plot. The official announcement two days ago came after the Iranian government threatened the Al Khalifa of grave consequences if they attempted to implicate Iran in its domestic crisis. They were ordered by the Iranians to issue a clear and unambiguous statement to this effect. They had no choice but to succumb to this order. Diplomats in Manama have now started to ridicule the Al Khalifa for their attack on Bahrainis and predicted their political and propaganda failure as the natives steadfast against them.

Bahrain Freedom Movement
24th August 2010

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