Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements

Bahrain: Spiralling unrest, new forms of punishment as athletes tortured

The situation in Bahrain is gradually slipping out of control as more sectors of the civil society join the pro-democracy movement. Secondary school students are now part of the civil resistance campaign that is throttling the Al Khalifa hereditary dictatorship.

 The reaction of the ruling family has been cruel, hostile and disproportionate. Young students have been treated at hospitals for gunshot wounds while more Bahrainis are kidnapped by the notorious Death Squads operated by the royal court.

In the past few days several schools witnessed demonstrations by students who raised slogans against the continued terror unleashed by the regime against peaceful Bahrainis. Many of the attackers are sectarian mercenaries imported to quash the spiralling uprising. Yesterday the students of Al Nu’aim Secondary school went out in a demonstration demanding the release of the political prisoners, an end to the hereditary dictatorship and an immediate halt to the political naturalisation programme. The students were mercilessly attacked by the mercenaries. Several of them were injured scores more are being pursued by the Death Squads. Last Tuesday, the students of Isa Town Secondary School marched in protest against the regime and were repressed.

Last night a planned seminar in Sitra was targeted by the regime that is becoming increasingly hostile to any peaceful expression of opinion. The seminar was scheduled to be held at Al Marzooq congregation hall and would have been addressed by senior members of the pro-democracy opposition.

Hours earlier the foreign-staffed riot police encircled the hall, blocked the roads leading to it and threatened to storm it if the meeting was held. People started gathering nearby in protest, proceeded to the main road and shouted anti-regime slogans. Death Squads attacked them using chemical and tear gases, rubber bullets and electric batons. Several people were injured in this aggression. Several youth were arrested, beaten up and taken to an unknown destination. The would be participants issued a statement saying that banning the seminar has shut down one of the peaceful avenues to express opinion and that would lead to further deterioration of the situation. 

Since last Tuesday the situation has deteriorated further after the postponement of the show trial of the Bahraini leaders and youth. The step was a tactical manoeuvre to avoid embarrassment in front of several international lawyers and human rights activists who attended to show solidarity with the pro-democracy leadership. They came from several countries, including UK. The Bar Human Rights Committee, The Islamic Commission for Human Rights, Frontline Defenders and Amnesty International sent representatives to monitor the court proceedings. It would have been the mockery of the century if the trial went ahead as it would have become clear how flawed the Al Khalifa judicial system was. The judges are themselves the plaintiffs and enemies of the defendants. The Al Khalifa judge hurried to announce the adjournment for one month. Although he attempted to please the international monitors by agreeing to scrap the “confessions” withdrawn from the victims under extreme forms of torture and ending the incommunicado detention of the 30 defendants, none of these two “concessions” has been implemented. The Bahrainis have been held in solitary confinement for more than three months. One international lawyer commented: “It never occurred to me that the Al Khalifa would treat citizens worse than dogs”.  The adjournment has also been explained by these lawyers as further punishment of the Bahrainis as the Al Khalifa knew that there was no case against them and they would be forced to release them soon.

Meanwhile, more Bahrainis have been injured or arrested. Akbar Ali Ahmad, from Sanabis, was wounded in  his back and both legs by police  bullets and taken to the Intensive Care Unit at the Salmaniya Hospital. His condition is still serious. Another long-term detainee, Maitham Al Shaikh, 32, has been transferred from his torture cell to the hospital after his health deteriorated rapidly. His life is in danger and the Sheikh Hamad and his clique would be responsible if any of the Bahrainis lost their lives.

Protests have taken place in many villages and towns; Bani Jamra, Duraz, Dair, Samaheej, Karzakkan, Malikiya, Sitra, Sanabis, Daih, Sar,  etc.

Three athletes are languishing in torture cells since their arrest in the past few weeks. Nidhal Isma’il is a football player who has been recently seconded to Al Refaa team for six months. . He was arrested as he left the training place. Sadiq Jaffar, a footballer with Al Muharraq Club had been arrested and tortured after leaving his club’s HQ. Mohmmad Makki, the athlete of Al Tadhamon Club had also been detained from within the walls of his club.

Bahrain Freedom Movement
28 March 2009

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