Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements

Bahrainis detained for pro-Palestine protests, COP28 places UAE’s human rights on the spot

As the native Bahrainis intensify their daily protests against the bombing of Gaza, the khalifi regime has escalated its repression of the people. The daily protests that have been taking place in Sanabis, Duraz, Sitra, Karzakkan, Daih and other towns and villages were attacked by the regime’s forces using tear gas and other means of suppression. The ongoing demonstrations have become a focal point for airing domestic grievances as well. It is also emboldening the youth to defy the regime’s authority and show a national pro-Palestinian stand as opposed to the khalifi pro-Zionist policies. The situation in the country is becoming more polarised and is likely to escalate as the Israeli war on Gaza escalates.

Many native young Bahraini men have been arrested since the start of the Gaza crisis. In the past week scores were detained, including: Hussain Hassan Al Asfoor, Abdul Rahman Al Hussaini, Ali Hassan El-Ekri, Mohammed Al Sakran, Mahmoud Ali Farhan, Sayed Adnan Sayed Haidar, Hussein Rabie, Abbass Aqeel Hani, Mohammed Hussain, Haidar Qassim, Hassan Abdul Shahid, and Hussein Al-Sayyed Abbas. From the town of Saar Sayed Hussain Sayed Abbas was detained while taking part in a pro-Palestinian protest.

Another young man has been arrested following his participation in mass protests in Daih condemning Israel’s bloodbath in Gaza. Reda Abbas Al-Janabi was detained after taking part in demonstrations in the Bahraini village of Al Daih. From the town of Markh three young men were detained: Sayed Mohammed Sayed Mahfood, Sayed Mahdi Sayed Maitham and Sayed Mohammed Sayed Hashim. The khalifi prosecutors have detained a young native Bahraini for supporting the Palestinians. Sayed Hussain Al Alawi has been detained for a week for his stands, including calling for the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador from Bahrain. Today, regime’s forces detained another young Bahraini over his participation in pro-Palestine protests. Murtaja Ali Fardan was snatched and taken to the torture chambers to join scores of other natives in jail.

Political prisoner, Jassim Al Saffar is complaining of serious deterioration of his health. He is infected with a skin disease known as Psoriasis for which he is not receiving proper medical care. He is also suffering acute stomach pain and vomiting. His request to be transferred to hospital was denied.

A conference organized by Bahrain’s National Unity Gathering produced a petition echoing widespread calls in the Gulf state for the ruling al-khalifa family to scrap its normalization deal with Israel and expel Tel Aviv’s ambassador. The conference was attended by a number of opposition political activists, including the nationalist leader, Ibrahim Sharif. The discussions focused on the history of the Palestinian struggle for independence while denouncing both the historical Arab inaction on the Palestinian cause and the existing normalization deals with Israel.

As global attention is turning to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) which is hosting of the next UN climate summit COP28 domestic issues have jumped to the forefront of the political agenda of the host country. Human rights activists are attempting to remind the world of the UAE authorities’ repressive and regressive policies and practices and poor record on climate. For decades, the UAE has silenced its critics and repressed dissent to the extent that independent local civil society is now non-existent in the country. They are calling on the UAE to release prisoners of conscience and all others arbitrarily detained in the country to ensure that COP28 provides a secure environment for all – whether Emirati or other nationals – to freely express their views which are essential to achieving a successful outcome on which humanity depends. The political prisoners include Ahmed Mansoor and 24 defendants in the “UAE94” mass trial.

The prominent Saudi human rights activist and lawyer, Waleed Abulkhair, has been moved to the “maximum-security wing”/42, for refusing the “Rehabilitation Program”. He is suffering deteriorating health conditions.  He was detained in April 2014 and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment, and travel ban for a similar period. He must serve the full sentence.

On 25th October, an Egyptian expatriate residing in Saudi Arabia, Abdul Rahman Ali was arrested after he had expressed his opinion and criticized the authorities’ arrest of the Egyptian pharmacist Khaled Massad.

It was confirmed that the Saudi authorities had arrested a British citizen known as Farhan because he raised the Palestinian flag during the boxing match in Riyadh Season activities.

Bahrain Freedom Movement

1st November 2023

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