Bahrain Freedom Movement Statements

UN experts ask Bahrain to release prisoners, Saudi mosque carer killed

On 14th August the regime forces in Bahrain arrested two 16 years old Bahrainis: Hassan Hadi Al Ghuraifi and Faisal Mohammed Ramadan, both from Salmabad Housing area. They had been summoned to appear at Police Station 17. On 15th August the detention of six Bahrainis was extended by fifteen more days: Sheikh Essa Al Qaffas, Ali Muhanna, Hajji Ali Hamam, Hajji Ali Nasser, Hajji Munir Mushaima and orator Saleh Sahwan. They were accused of “illegal gathering”. This is the third extension of their detention. Also the detention of three others was extended for two more weeks. Hajji Hassan Al Hayki, Hajji Hussain Eid and Hajji Fakhri Rashid had been in detention since 29th July.

Protests against the khalifi regime have continued in various parts of the country. On Friday 16th August the people of Demstan town held a rally calling for the release of the political prisoners. Also the people of Duraz went out in a big protest after the Friday prayers.

On Thursday 15th August, Independent experts with the United Nations urged Bahrain to ensure those held at its Jaw prison had access to adequate food, water and medical care after they received news that the guards had cut air conditioning in the sweltering summer. The U.N. experts’ request came a year after a mass hunger strike by prisoners at the Jaw prison. They said the situation there is appalling, with authorities actively violating prisoners’ most basic rights to suppress a peaceful strike. In doing so, it is making clear to the world that their reform claims are hollow.  They said Bahrain should immediately secure a fair deal with prisoners and restore their rights. Ultimately release all political prisoners.

Bahraini political prisoner Salman Isa Ali Salman is being denied access to proper medical treatment for a potentially malignant tumour in his neck that has been gradually increasing in size. According to the latest information obtained by London-based rights activist Sayed Ahmed Al-Wadaei, Salman is yet to be taken to hospital for a proper diagnosis. The 41-year-old, who is on death row, made multiple visits to the Jau Prison clinic and was repeatedly promised by authorities that he would be transferred to the public Salmaniya hospital. Another political prisoner has confirmed that he has developed a tumour in his head. Habib Ali Habib said that his condition is serious and is suffering excruciating pain as a result. His eyesight is gradually deteriorating and has constant headache. Doctors told him these symptoms would continue for the rest of his life.

In line with their anti-Shia policies, the prominent orator, Mahdi Sahwan, was prevented from travelling to Iraq last week. He was going on a visit to mark the Arbaeen event but he was told he could not travel. Last month he was not allowed to travel to UK to take part in the Muharram activities organised by the Bahraini community.

The mother of political prisoner, Sayed Ali Jalil has asked the management of the Jau prison to inform her of his fate. She has not seen or heard from him for sometime. She fears the worst as the authorities continue to deny the prisoners the necessities of life like water, electricity, medical care and adequate meals. She also fears the effects of ill-treatment especially torture.

The case of Bahraini citizen Sayed Hashim Sharaf is haunting both the Iraqi and Kuwaiti governments. Two weeks ago he was handed by Kuwait to the khalifi regime which had imposed a long prison sentence for his pro-democracy stands. Before that he was staying in Iraq, but when his visa expired he crossed the border with Kuwait to renew it. The Iraqi official at the border demanded that he first leaves Iraq to Kuwait and then returns to have his visa renewed. The Kuwaiti officials immediately handed him to the regime in Bahrain. There are pressures on both Kuwait and Iraq to get him back otherwise he would spend his life behind bars.

On 17th August the Saudi regime executed another citizen on trumped up charges. Abdul Majeed Al-Nimr, 59, was detained six years ago after being summoned for questioning about the Ain Al-Hussein Mosque and the endowment land next to it, in Awwamiyah Town in the Eastern Province as he was one of its caretakers. They offered to release him in exchange for handing over the mosque and the adjacent land. He refused and was jailed.  But later the government fabricated other charges and killed him. In its official statement the interior ministry falsely accused Martyr Al Nimr of affiliation to Al Qa’eda, This is a total fabrication as he was a Shia Muslim who would not be part of this organisation.  He was beheaded last week.

On 19th August the Gulf Centre for Human Rights said that it had received reports of several hunger strikes undertaken by Saudi human rights defender Issa Al-Nukhaifi in the last few months in protest at his prolonged arbitrary detention and mistreatment. There are reports that he was taken to a hospital because of these hunger strikes. In February 2018, Al-Nukhaifi was sentenced to six years in prison followed by six years of a travel ban for charges related to his advocacy against corporate corruption in the southern city of Jizan, as well as for publishing news online about protests of local communities who were forcibly evicted from their homes in border areas with Yemen without compensation. He was charged under the Anti-Cybercrimes Law.

Bahrain Freedom Movement

21st August 2024

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